Please also see the University of Potsdam - Remote Sensing and Earth-Surface Process Team webpage.
Research Motivation: The Earth’s surface is driven by geological, biological, and climatic forces. They form a complex system of closely coupled processes - knowledge of these interactions is essential because the Earth’s surface is the foundation for all human activity and its dynamics impact all facets of life, habitability, and sustainability.
Research: I am interested in transport processes within the Earth (vertical tectonics) and on the Earth’s Surface (geomorphology), specifically driven by hydrologic and atmospheric processes. My research focuses on quantifying Earth-Surface Processes using (1) remote sensing data and techniques; (2) in-situ and field measurements; (3) geochemical approaches; (4) time series and data analyses; and (5) numerical modeling approaches.
More extensive tutorial, data, and codes are available and on the University of Potsdam - Remote Sensing and Earth-Surface Process Team webpage and Blog Posts and Tutorials. An older website at my previous employer (UC Santa Barbara) can be found here.
Teaching: My teaching centers around a combination of remote-sensing and earth-data sciences. In the classroom, we rely on a variety of data sources (remote sensing, field data, modeling output), programming environments (Python, C, Matlab), and geochemical tools (e.g., cosmogenic nuclides and stable isotopes) to quantify geoscientific processes. In the past years, we have developed a modern remote sensing and earth-surface processes curriculum and we are running an international MSc program Remote Sensing, geoInformation, and Visualization (see the university’s application website and the international program listed at the DAAD). All teaching materials are available on the Moodle platform at the University of Potsdam.
A list of advised BSc and MSc theses (year, name, topic, department) is listed in BSc and MSc Theses.